As part of my trip to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, I took the VTA (Valley Transportation Authority) LRT (Light Rail Transit) from the River Oaks station. The River Oaks center at North First street also houses the VTA administrative office. This place is a 20 minutes walk from home and 10 minutes on a bike. VTA provides for bikers to carry their cycles on buses and trains; I haven’t used either yet.
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

Funerary mask of Pharoah Tutankhamun
Trip distance : 7.0 - 7.5 miles
Time to reach : 1 hr 9 min (walk | LRT | bus | walk), 40 min (cycle), 11 min (car)
Round trip cost : $8
About the Museum
Website :
Address : 1660 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95191
Car parking availability and fee : Behind the museum (on Chapman Street). Parking is free.
Bike parking availability : None
Museum hours : Mon/Tues: Closed, Wed/Thurs/Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sat/Sun: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Admission fee at the museum : $9
Context : One fine day, I decided to visit this museum. One, because I had been watching some documentaries on Netflix about the history of the Mesopotamian region (East to West). Second, because the museum came up in the nearby places I could explore. And finally, because I really needed to get out of the house.
Project 365 - Day 10
Day 10 - Aug 25: 65.9 kg, Cycling: 38 min, 9.55 km
Sandip left early morning. I tried to nap for an hour, but was up by 8 am. Though I was sleep deprived, I wanted to go cycling. The weather was favorable…it wasn’t sunny. So I thought I’ll think no more and will just head out after the maid leaves.
Started from home at 9:10 am. I knew I would encounter the Saturday office- hour traffic.
There's Something About Nigella!

Source: Nigella’s twitter profile
We’re hooked to the famous British Nigella Lawson’s cookery show, Nigella Bites on Food Network (aired on Travel & Living in India). Different people are hooked for different reasons.
I Adore Pretty Women...
…who are not just pretty but also well-dressed and who radiate a strong sense of dressing and ooze a subtle attitude of being in touch with style and fashion. I am sure you admire them too. C’mon, if you are a woman and reading this, admit it and you’ll feel liberated. The secret’s long been out anyways. The quicker you accept this fact, the better for you. “WOMEN DRESS TO BE NOTICED BY OTHER WOMEN.
First Ride to Bellandur Lake
Went on a 26 km ride on a self-charted route this Sunday. We could not manage to participate in the GGI CM the previous day, so we decided to make up for it.  You can see the complete description of Sunday’s ride to Bellandur Lake on here. Before Sandip and I started riding cycles this Feb and before we even got our cycles, we had started dreaming and marking out all the roads and areas where we wanted to come on our bikes.
Maggi: Thy Name Savior
Who would not have, at one point or the other, not relied on maggi, in the absence of a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y any other options to quench ‘paapi pate’s bhook’. Stuck at home on a night, suddenly you realize there’s nothing at home to cook and its too late to step out to grab a bite, you turn to Maggi. Feeling sick, tired, or lazy to cook, Maggi’s your quick and tasty answer to these ‘unplanned situations’ in life.
Mah Life ROCKS!!!
I have come to believe that saying that aloud to myself (My Life Rocks) and declaring it publicly will eventually make me feel that way - good about myself and my life.  Every day you happen to ask as well as answer the question innumerable times “How are you doing?”. I found more people answering with a “Good”, “Great”, quite unlike to mine rather sad “Fine” and “Ok’.
I am HAPPY Today!
Today’s been one of the happiest days for me. Full of a feeling of contentment, completeness, satisfaction, and in some sense, of a victory in a long-fought battle. The plight is that I cannot share my happiness with anybody :(. I’d like to keep it a secret from even myself, so I remain grounded and lest my little, delicate bubble of dream bursts. Why blog about it then if I cannot share it?
Are You a Somebody?
Every body around me (at least 7 out of 10 people) is a somebody, excelling in something they can boast about. I am not talking about the skills they have acquired in their career/profession. I am talking about the passions they have pursued outside their profession. So, a doctor may be an outstanding cook and may have published a couple of books, or a restaurateur may be seriously pursuing painting on the side, or an IT engineer may be a photography buff.